A fire broke out on Tuesday night in the premises
of Mesta. Atkinson, perfumers, in Old Bond Street ; but did not extend beyond the attics in which it was first discovered.
On the same night, another fire destroyed the shop and dwelling of Mr. Stone, a baker in Blackman. street ; and damaged severul adjoin. big buildings.
About two o'clock on Thursduy morning, flames were seen burstiug from the shop of Air. Parkes, dealer in matine.stores, Gravel Lane, Southwark ; and before they were extinguished, the premises were de- stroyed; and four persons, two women and two children, lodging in the house, burnt to death.
Yesterday morning, the sail and tarpaulin manufectory of Nlesses. Edgington, in the Old Kent Road, with a large quantity of materials used in the business, and work.shops, cottages, out houses, and stables, near to the factory, and covering an acre of ground, were completely burnt down. No lives were lost.