Dr. Murray, the Roman Catholic Archbishop, has addressed a letter to the Catholic portion of the working tradesmen of Dublin, admonish- ing them against the recent abuse of the......
At The Late Evesham Sessions, The Reverent! Mr....
of Stanton, was tined 3/. for a violent assault on Mr. Dimock, postmaster of Broadway, against whom he fancied he bad some cause of complaint respecting the non-delivery of......
Int /kletropoini.
The birth. dot?' of the Duke of Sussex, Grand Master of the Free- masons, was celebrated on Tuesday, by a dinner at the Freemason's Tavern. Lord Durham presided ; eupported by......
Cbe Court. THE record of Royal movements presents little variety. Lord Melbourne continues to pay visits to the Queen almost every morning, and scarcely an evening passes in......
At The Middlesex Sessions, On Monday, John Ellis Was Charged
with stealing a truss of hay. The prisoner received a good character, but the evidence against him was strong. The , Chairman, Mr. Ser- geant Adams, was about to sum up ; when......
Clrbatcs Anti 43rorretring4 Ill Varliament.
AFFAIRS OF CANADA. In the House of Lords, on Monday, the order of the day having been read for going intoCommittee on the Canada Bill, Mr. Roebuck, on the motion of Lord......
Cbe Country.
A meeting of delegates from the various branch Societies of the North Lancashire Antis Poor. haw Association, was held on Monday, at Maechester. Delegates attended from......
A Fire Broke Out On Tuesday Night In The Premises
of Mesta. Atkinson, perfumers, in Old Bond Street ; but did not extend beyond the attics in which it was first discovered. On the same night, another fire destroyed the shop and......