At the late Evesham Sessions, the Reverent! Mr. Blocksome, Rector
of Stanton, was tined 3/. for a violent assault on Mr. Dimock, postmaster of Broadway, against whom he fancied he bad some cause of complaint respecting the non-delivery of letters. The Dorset County Chronicle says that a gentleman of fortune has been detected in cots 'thug forgeries to an itnmense amount in Don chester and the neighbourhood.
On Thursday last, Mr. George Woods, gamekeeper to Lord Jersey at Middleton, in Oxfordshire, accidentally killed his own son while shooting at a rabbit.
The Brighton Guardian says that the neighbourhood of lisstinp continues to remain in a very unsettled state. "During the last few days, we have gone through the district, and in all quarters we bare beard that the labouring population were in a dreadful state of distress, and that the commission of crime was becoming more frequent. At Ickleshatu it has been thought advisable to call in the presence of the military, in consequence of a diabolical attempt made on Wednesday night on the Reverend Mr. Richards, the Rector of that parish. Mr. Richards had invited the juvenile branches of hie neighbours' families to partake of a treat at his house on that day; and when they wee about taking their departure, several children with Mr. and Mts. Richards standing at the door, some miscreant from behind a quickie hedge discharged a gun loaded with small-shot in among the group, for- tunately without seriously injuring any one, though some of the childres and Mr. Richards were struck. No clue whatever has been discovered of the guilty man. Five more of the Metropolitan Police arrived ■S Winchelsea on Friday night ; and we hear are permanently engaged, t being found impossible to repose confidence in the neighbouring pops- lation. We are also told that it is fat from being safe travelling through this part of the county; in fact, insubordination revels in a great mew. sure throughout the whole district."