Int /kletropoini.
The birth. dot?' of the Duke of Sussex, Grand Master of the Free- masons, was celebrated on Tuesday, by a dinner at the Freemason's Tavern. Lord Durham presided ; eupported by Lord John Churchill and Colonel Tyros,. A letter was read from the Duke of Sussex, stating illness as an apology for his absence. Among the toasts was " The health of' the Earl of Durham, with a prosperous voyage to Canada and a speedy return." Lord Durham, in reply, said—" That in the important and difficult duties which were allotted to him in that country, he :hoped he should ever be guided by the principles which adorned the craft—he hoped that he should ever recollect, that the main characteristics of masonry were charity and forgiveness to all mankind."
A preliminary meeting of opponents of the Poonlaw, was held yesterday, at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, Lord Stanhope in the chair. It was resolved to call • public meeting for Monday week, to establish a Central Anti- Association.