Arrived-OS Mezgate, Fels. atli. John NI.Lellatel. Domild, from Bengal. Off Fal- mouth, 6th. Alarms, Cox. from ditto; Ilehe, Galloway, from New South Wales ; stud Daimon. Dawson, from %an Dirmen's Land. At Liver1uool.11, Iluddderellehl. Noakes, hem Bombay ; and Onyx, Nicholson, front Mauritius; and 4111. Lady East. Emery, fioni Bombay. At St. Helena, Dec. 41Io. Henry Tsuner, Ferguson, from Madras; 6th, Btide, Porter. hom Mauritius; awl 7th, Sir J. Beresford, Mitchell, from Singapore. At the Cape, Nov. Slat, Pasket, Stirling. from Lemdou. At Madras, Oct. 130. Scathe. 4511. Cheap.. nom Loudon. At New South Wales, Oct. 17th. Memnon, Every, from Liverpool; and lath, Honduras. Weller, from London. At Vow Diemen's Laud. Sept. 4th, Forth Briton, Tyall. from Leith; 11th. Harriet, Tupper. Recovery, Ost.1.1, Blehtuetou. Treedis, trout London. Sollod-hoso Liverpool, Mt. 6th, let, Ludlow; awl Liverpool, Row, ter Besot.