10 FEBRUARY 1838, Page 9


Mr. Ellice junior, it appears, offered to resign his seat for the Omar :Borsht, in consequence of his intended departure with Lord Durham to Casuals; but his supporters have granted him leave of absence, and have declined for the present to accept his resignation. The fact is, they are by no means fond of encountering an election contest at pre- sent—the 'Tory candidate is ready to pounce upon them. Mr. Fox Maude attended a large meeting of the electors of the Elgin Burghs on Thursday week. In the course of a speech which was very well received, Mr. Motile avowed himself favourable to the Established Church, together with the full toleration of Dissenters ; te free trade, both as respected foreign commerce and manual labour. On this.poiet lie spoke emphatically to the operatives-

" The law on this stils!ect is very clearly defined. It sanctions the system of combination. The in.i•dera have it right to combine together to k.eep wages low. The operatives have a right to use the same means to keep up the rate of wages. I tlook this is fair, and in the spirit of our constitution. But the law stops bete. Though it sanction combinations, it does not permit those who hold out for higher wages to insult, injure, nay, even murder, their fellow-ope- noises who are content to dispose of their labour at the market price. 1 read with horror the evidence which was brought out on the late trial in Edinburgh; and deeply did I grisve when I was taunted in the South with the boast in which 1 have sometimes indulged, of the morality of my countrymen. My only reply one, that I trusted these proceedings were coofined to Glasgow, awl that I hoped the general opinion of my countrymen would be loud in their con. denination. In this I trust you will bear me out, and join me in repudiating thee secret conspiracies, not only against the property and ',emus of our ma- nufacturers, hut against the dearest privilege the operative has -that of dis- posing of his labour as he shall consider best for his own advantage."

He promised diligent attention to the business of Scotland, and especially to the bill introduced by Sir Andrew Leith Hay, for the regulation of burghs of barony arid regality. In conclusion, he al- luded to the rumoured opposition of a Tory candidate-

" Gentlemen, I have been told something about an intention to oppose my election. I can see nothing, and I can find nothing, of my intended opponent. His opposition has neither shape, appearance, nor substantiality. It seems to be more a creature of the imagination of some inventive Tories than any actual reality. I did expect, on my arrival here, to meet with a formidable aatagonist in the person of the Master of Grant ; who, although perhaps lie may net have absolute,y pledged himself, yet unquestionably had given the electors mug grounds to believe that lie would be a candidate at the very fie,t oppor- tunty. We find, however, be that as it may, that Craigellaehie does not staid fast. I hope that his flight, however, will prove nobad omen to the clan."

The Glasgow papers announce the death of Sir Daniel Sandford, Professor of Greek in the University, and, for a short time, Member for Paisley. Sir Daniel's complaint was typhus fever.