A short and somewhat disappointing debate occurred on Thurs- day
on the business of the House of Commons. Mr. Gladstone moved for a Committee in succession to the Committee of last year, but Mr. Disraeli opposed, on the ground that ample infor- mation had been obtained, and the Government should now act. It soon appeared that this was the general feeling of the House, and Mr. Gladstone agreed that Mr. Lowe should on Monday submit the resolutions passed last year by the Committee. If these resolutions are rejected, the matter is shelved for a twelvemonth; while, if they are accepted, but little good will have been effected. In the course of the discussion, Mr. Gladstone expressed 'his opinion that private Bills should be referred to joint Com- mittees of Lords and Commons, and Mr. Dodson promised sug- gestions for lightening the private-bill work ; but of the large " pro- jects" supposed to be entertained for simplifying the business of the House, there was not a word.