10 FEBRUARY 1872, page 1

In The House Of Commons, Mr. Disraeli, After Twitting The

Government with having lived during the Recess in " a blaze of apology," and with thinking that it was one of " the transcen- dental privileges of a strong Government to evade......

News Of The Week.

1 HE week has been overshadowed by the American dispute, and the general position of the westion remained most unsatisfactory at its close. According to all accounts received......

The Only Real Subject Of Interest In Either House Was

the Treaty of Washington, though, of course, the movers and seconders of the Address in the two Houses were compelled to tell off the various links in the chain of unreal......

Mr. Gladstone In Reply Certainly Went Too Far In Asserting

that the English Government relies on its own interpretation of the Treaty of Washington, as affording " the only rational meaning, the direct grammatical meaning, whether......

Lord Derby's Speech Added Very Little To The Discussion Of

the Alabama claims except a strong opinion (not shared by Mr. Disraeli) that the policy of sending out a Commission to Wash- ington at all was a mistake, was a giving of the......

The Only Important Paragraph In The Queen's Speech, Read By

Commission on Tuesday, refers to this difficulty. After mention- ing that the Arbitrators appointed under the Treaty of Wash- iugton have held their first meeting, Her Majesty......

11 : The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In...
