Lady Nairne and Her Songs. By the Rev. G. Henderson.
(A. Gardner. 2s.)—Lady Nairne was an Oliphant and a Jacobite by birth. Her grandfather was out in the '15, and her father in the 245. Relatives and friends bought back the estate in 1753, and in 1766 Carolina Oliphant was born ; her mother, by birth a Robertson of Strowan, being also a strong Jacobite by inheritance. Mr. Henderson, though a Free Church Minister, Ls apparently of the same persuasion, for he speaks of the "King," writing a letter in 1783, which we find to bear the signature "Charles R." Are there as many Free Church Jacobites ? However this may be, we are much obliged to Mr. Henderson for a very nice little book. He gives us a sketch of Lady Nairne, her songs, and illustrations in the way of portraits. It is curious to see that Lady Nairne was not at all anxious to claim the authorship of what she wrote. It seemed below the dignity of a well-born lady.