An American Poet.
Sonnets, and other Poems. — Lucifer : a Theological Tragedy. By George Santayana. (Stone, Chicago.)—These two volumes of verse, much admired on the other side of the Atlantic,......
Spanish Literature.
Spanish Literature the England of the Tudors. By John Garrett Underhill. (Macmillan and Co. 8s. 6d.)—The contents of this book give evidence of considerable learning and......
Darwin And Darwinism. By P. Y. Alexander, M.a., Ll.d. (john
Bale, Sons, and Danielsson.)—Dr. Alexander is behind the times. It is some years since the habit of attacking Darwinism on verbal and metaphysical grounds was abandoned as......
Three Scientific Books.
The Scientific Memoirs of Thomas Henry Huxley. Vol. IL (Macmillan anti Co. 30s. net.)—The second volume of Huxley's technical papers, which are being given to the world by the......
The Dtuturnal Theory Of The Earth. By William Andrews....
Low and Co. 12s. 6d.)—This book is a singular example of misdirected ability and industry, after the fashion of the works of the people who try to prove that the earth is fiat,......