But though Mr. Balfour has not been " bounced," it
must not be assumed that he has won. There is only one way.in which he can escape from the toils of the Tariff Reformers, and that isby a bold declaration that he accepts the verdict of the nation absolutely, that. both Tariff Reform :and Fiscal Reform are to be dropped, and that the party must be 4-eeon- stituted on the basis of the status quo ante 1903. If we are asked .whether we think that there is any prospect- of Mr Balfour adopting this course, we must regretfully express the opinion that there is little or none. What we expect Mr. Balfour to do is to continue the policy of vagueness and shilly-shally on the Fiscal issue. But.since we are not homoeopathic in politics or medicine, and since we do not believe that similia similibus curantur, we regard such a prospect with consternation. The party was ruined by shilly-shally in face of Tariff Reform. It is, we fear, to have another and a larger dose in order to cure it. Meantime, as we have said elsewhere, the only course open to Unionist Free-traders is to wait and watch, keeping' their flag flying, and remembering that in the end reason and good sense will prevail.