[to The Editor Op The "spectator."] Sir,—those Who Are...
a solution of the problem of religious instruction in the elementary schools may get some hints from the state of affairs at Bedford. The town has a population of nearly forty......
Nonconformist Clergymen And Politics.
[TO TDB EDITOR 05 TDB “SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In the Spectator of February 3rd your correspondent " W. R." complains of rash assertions on this subject, but he winds up his letter......
-" One Vote One Value" In The Transvaal.
pro TRH EDITOR. UP Tlla "SPZOTATOR.-] Sin,—In an editorial note which appears in your issue of February 3rd you ask : " Why should a man have bestowed upon him a double dose of......
Admiralty Policy And Naval Engineers. [to The Editor Ow Tile
"SPECTATOR. " ] S,—Snowing the keen and deep interest that you take in naval matters, I make no apology for calling the attention of your readers to the recently issued "......