.st Self - Supporting Nome. By Kate V. Saint Maur. (Macmillan and
Co. 7s. 6d.)—Who would stop in a city when he could rent a nine-roomed house, with a barn and other outbuildings, an acre of buih fruit, five acres of orchard and six of pasture, for .236 ? Add to this that you can sell your rabbits, and even your Persian kittens, and that 80 per cent. of the eggs turn into healthy chickens, which also are sold and eaten in due time. Mrs. Saint Maur describes her experiences in a very practical way. We do not disbelieve, but we wonder. It is true that the scene is laid in America ; things do not seem to go so well in this worn-out country. Still, there is much instruction to be found in the book. If "self-supporting" seems to aim too high, still these rural occupations may help to pay the cost of living, and anyhow will make for health and a contentment with life.