Mr. Wilson was mistaken In assuming that other neutrals would
follow his lead, even as we are sure he will prove mistaken about Germany displaying an eleventh-hour moderation. Herr Zimmer- mann, indeed, has already said that there can bo " no retreat " for Germany. The South American Powers and Spain are sending strong protests to Germany, but there is no present intention of breaking off relations. As for the smaller neutrals, they will protest but they live too near to Germany for them to take a daring line.
At present their shipping Is partly paralysed, but we have no doubt that enough confidence for their and our purpose will gradually return. In the United States warlike preparations are being made hot-foot. German interned vessels have been placed under guard, and munition factories are being improvised. Various Bills are before Congress for large war Credits and other necessary precautions. Germans in America have done much damage to the interned German ships, and are probably intriguing and plotting in countless directions. The American secret agents, however, are notoriously efficient:, and will disclose the more dangerous schemes. The great fact is that the American people stand as one man.