10 FEBRUARY 1917, page 10

" September, 1916. In The Course Of Our Wanderings—that Have

now lasted some ten days—we hare at last reached a most charming town, where I. have bought peaches, fresh figs, delicious grapes, bananas, &c., and had some admirable 'moulin h......

" September, 1916. We Are Still At Peace; Though I

am hoping that we may get a scrap before the winter. It would be very horrible to slide squalidly into the winter without any excitement at all. From all accounts, things......

" August, 1916.

Picture to yourself a deep, wide railway cutting spanned by a great ruinous arch. The bottom is half flooded, and the water lies there in stagnant pools, with here and there the......

"september, 1910.

We had a jolly little dinner last night at a. French restaurant, * - Sine dead., and some very excellent Chambertin, so you sea we are not quite out of civilization. We are......

" July, 1916. As I Think I Told You Yesterday,

my address is now B.E.F., France. A more complete contrast to my recent quarters it is difficult to imagine. We mess in a corner of an Immense flamboyant ohfite.au, in whose......

" July, 1916. Life Continues To Be Very Peaceful Here.

We are just going out for a few days' rest. I have returned to the company after my few days' absence, and find everything much changed for the better. My company commander is......

" July, 1916.

I have taken a very small part in a very big battle, and am very ragged (owing to the prevalence of wire everywhere). I was in charge of the ration and ammunition carriers, and......

"august, 1918.

We have just had a very merry time in the trenches, with lots of trench mortar bombs, snipers, mines, &c., and are very pleased to have got out without a casually in the......

We May Conclude These Idylls—little Pictures—of The Sear...

vignette of Donald Hankey at work, supplied by a brother- officer :- " Ilankey would sit down in the corner of a trench with - his pipe and write an article for the Spectator......

Food Shortage And Prohibition.

AN APPEAL. The situation created by the. Shortage of Food and the continued destruction of cereals in the manufacture of intoxicants is so serious that we have determined to ask......