" September, 1916. In the course of our wanderings—that have
now lasted some ten days—we hare at last reached a most charming town, where I. have bought peaches, fresh figs, delicious grapes, bananas, &c., and had some admirable 'moulin h vent ' with my dinner 1 So am feeling very ' content.' Also I have a charming little bedroom with real sheets, he. l It is really quite a small place, but it has a church with a superficial resemblance to Westminster Abhey, end another little one with the most glorious old bas-relief of the triumphal entry of our Saviour into Jerusalem—as fine as: any- thing I have ever seen. This doesn't sound like war, does it? More like a Continental tour I But I fancy it is leading up to fresh activity. Tent mieuxf I won14, like a scrap before winter."