The supreme duty of the contia3 week is to make the War Loan a success The good citizen must put that before every other consideration. He must not only invest every shilling at his disposal in the War Loan, but he must get every man and woman he can to do the same. If the duty is unpleasant, either in his own case or in the case of urging his neighbours, he must console himself with the thought that he is as surely helping to beat the enemy as if he were going over the top. We shall be disgraced as a nation if we do net show the world figures in the case of the War Loan such as were deemed absolutely impossible a few weeks ago. To get sufficient Money is however not sufficient. We must make the nation's response so tremendous in its volume that even the faintest-hearted neutral cannot fail to realize the national determination to win the war. As we have explained elsewhere, every hoarded sovereign or five-pound-note must come out of the teapot, the stocking, or the hole in the wall to help us "Down Germany and the Kaiser." We have got this week to give a war message to the erorld expressed not in words but in pounds sterling.