[To TEL EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In the Spectator of January 20th I see a letter expressing a desire for organization among the clergy. Would it not be .a grand thing if all clergy under forty were so organized that each one should have three months at the front, either as a chaplain or a worker in the huts? I see that the Y.M.C.A. are askieg for two thousand volunteers. The opportunity is golden. Every parish would gladly spare their clergyman or curate for such -work, knowing that he would return so much more able to be the teacher and guide of his people. The rotation could be so arranged that no adjacent parish should be bereft at the same thne, thus enabling, with the number of services much reduced, mutual help in Sunday work, baptisms, &c.; the weekday work being accom- plished by able parishioners; all expense to be borne by the Church. This surely would do much for the Church of the future in drawing together clergy and laity.—I am, Lc., V. IL