Mr. Lewis Goldschmidt must have been an adaptable and conciliatory
man. After Waterloo he was forgiven by the British Embasy in Paris, who in fact employed him as their lawyer. And his only daughter married Lord Lyndhurst. Being of a kindly disposition, I trust that, after the Treaty of Washington of 1942 Signor Gayda will be accorded an equally happy ending. But I am not so sure. It was always thought that the more scurrilous of Lewis Goldschmidt's articles were written, not by himself, but by Fouche, Talley- rand or even the First Consul. They left no bitterness behind. Yet I can scarcely believe that the personal insults which Signor Gayda has flung, and still flings, at prominent American, French and British statesmen will so readily be excused. It is a mystery to me how the Italians can spend millions of sorely needed foreign money upon proclaiming to the Americas the justice of their natural. aspirations and the purity of their soul, when they allow their controlled Press to indulge in bouts of ill-manners such as must cancel out all the good effect which their propaganda may or may not have produced.