No One Enjoyed Himself More On Monday, When The Currency
and Bank Notes Bill was considered, than Sir John Simon. He is at his best when he returns to the role of leading counsel. His exposition of this complicated technical measure......
The Government Had An Unhappy Day On Tuesday. The Bill
to give financial assistance to Czecho-Slovakia raised ghosts of the past, and the Munich critics turned up in force as still sorrowing or resentful mourners. Sir John Simon did......
There Had Been Rumours In Advance That The Speaker Was
likely to rule against the L.C.C. Rating Bill, which would give power to rate site values and empty property. Mr. Herbert Morrison put his points to their best advantage, but......
Revaluing Gold The Main Purpose Of The Currency And Bank
Notes Bill, which passed its second reading this week without a division, is to revalue the assets, gold and securities which back the Bank of England note circulation. Hitherto......
The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent...
impor- tant event of the week has been Mr. Chamberlain's statement on our relations with France. It lost none of its effectiveness because it took so many people by surprise.......
Reform Of The Cotton Industry It Will Necessarily Be Several
months before the "proposals for legislation on the reorganisation of the cotton industry" which the Government has now issued can take effect. The proposals are in the form of......
Next Week's 4 ‘ Spectator" Recent Developments In The...
have served to emphasise the conviction constantly expressed in these columns that a good understanding between the British and American peoples is an essential basis for the......
Compensatiqn For War Damage Some Omissions In The...
for com- pensating property-owners for war damage are dealt with by the Lord Chancellor's Committee which has been consider- ing the legal rights and liabilities of such people.......