Another Winter Oil I have begun to test a new
engine oil called Ovoline, made by Brett's Oil and Grease Company, Limited, of Durham, for which winter " fluidity " is claimed as well as the usual advantages of modern lubricants. So far as the first quality is concerned I have found it does what is claimed for it with conspicuous success. It went into my engine during the cold weather and the first time I started up after a night of severe frost in an unheated garage the starter turned the engine over without the slightest sign of drag, almost as freely as if the oil had been hot. So far I have only driven a few hundred miles with it, but I am bound to admit that the engine, which is far from clean and still further from anything like concert pitch, seems to run slightly more enthusiastically than it did on the oil it had before—but that must be taken with caution; imagination is apt to play a part in these affairs, imagination and road conditions and weather and, above all, the driver's mood of the moment. The price seems moderate, 4s. 9d. a gallon in 5-gallon drums and 6s. a gallon tin.