The Prudential Assurance Company is maintaining its re- markable record as a dividend-payer by raising the distribution on its " A " shares for the fourth successive year. The final dividend of 14s. 8 2-5d. per share now announced is an in- crease of 3d. per share on last year and with the interim dividend makes a total of 19s. 8 2-5d. tax free per share— approximately 98i per cent, tax free for the year. The previous year's dividend was approximately 97* per cent, tax free. Of the total dividend 19s. 2d. per share comes from the Ordinary and industrial branches. The remaining 6 2-5d. per share is from the General branch. The "B" shareholders, who rely on the profits of the General branch, have to be content with a mere 50 per cent, tax free (2s. per share) as in the previous two years.
Bonuses to the assured are maintained at the same high rate as last year, namely £2 6s. per £too insured on the whole life policies, £2 per cent, on the endowment policies and LI 12 \ per cent, on the industrial branch policies, where these have been in force for a full year.
The Pearl Assurance has also decided to maintain the higher rate of dividend introduced last year. The final dividend of 271 per cent. and bonus of 21 per cent., both tax free, again makes 55 per cent., tax free, for the year.
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