" THE SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 96 [A prize of a
Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked with the words "Crossword Puzzle " and the NUMBER of the PUZZLE, and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday week. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner and the solution will be published in the follow- ing issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a 21d. stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.)
ACROSS x. Accommodation near the cathedral? (2 words) (5, 8).
to. " Though they may gang a kennin wrong, To step aside is -" (Burns) (5).
Of which were the songs of Blake (9).
2. In no case does one find these (6).
13. " Thus 6id England fight, And shall not England smite with Drake's - stroke in battles yet to be?" (Watts- Dunton) (6).
16. I arm the girl (4).
17. " I've a head like a I've a tongue like a button- stick " (Kipling) (to).
20. Operatic boatmen (to).
21. " It'll be the end of me," as the rabbit remarked (4).
23. In France father will come next morning in England (6). 25. Where the drama gets a move on (6).
28. The measure of a youngster and his relations (9).
29. Author of " Gerusalemme Liberata " (5).
3o. Aids moral sect when re- arranged (13).
DOWN 2. Not necessarily a man with a heavy tread (9).
3. The sound of the emmet's offspring? (6).
4. Just look! (4).
5. His signature tune would cer- tainly have been "Rule Britannia " (4).
6. Upside down puss gets it with a vessel (8). 7. Ronald is earnestly requested to make music (5).
8. The sort of discomfort that charge of shot produces? (2 words) (8, 5).
9. It takes an N.C.O. and a commissioned officer to make a warrant-officer (z words) (8, 5).
14. Small slender tailless noc- turnal climbing quadruman- ous Cingalese mammal (5)
is. It is not always what num- erically it says it is (5).
18. Standard of trousered ele- gance? (9).
19. - della Sera (8).
22. It goes from jamb to jamb (6).
24. A passing fancy of Brown- ing's (5).
26. How mixed they are, the little deers! (4)- 27. It's tied-or isn't it? (4)-