Lambton and Germany
Sir: Allow me to follow up Alastair For- bes's letter (20/27 December). He could have underlined his point by naming the leaders of the 1944 anti-Hitler conspiracy, whose first involvement was very largely due to what they knew and had heard about the Holocaust.
He could have mentioned the brave opposition by many of the titled Church leaders, both Roman Catholic and Protes- tant. He could have cited examples of friendship between leading members of the German upper class and Jewish families, lasting over generations and surviving the Hitler period.
More importantly, he could have told Antony Lambton that any generalisationS of this kind must be refuted.
Finally, on a personal note, as a Jewish boy at a German grammar school in the early Hitler years, I do remember acts of kindness and understanding from boys and teachers of vastly different backgrounds.
Henry L. Morland
4 West Close, Wembley, Middlesex