Lambton And Germany
Sir: Allow me to follow up Alastair For- bes's letter (20/27 December). He could have underlined his point by naming the leaders of the 1944 anti-Hitler conspiracy, whose first......
First-generation Money
Sir: I found Taki's column 'Big men' (High life, 29 November) offensive and provin- cial. It is offensive because every one of the individuals he belittles in his article is......
The Independent
Sir: Surely Paul Johnson has completely missed the point when he writes (The press, 13 December) about the lack of 'a strong editorial world-view' and 'a distinc- tive tone of......
Homelessness Sir: Alexandra Artley's harrowing account of homelessness around King's Cross (`The London poor', 13 December) cannot fail to move the hardest heart. Unfortunately,......
Oedipus Found Out
Sir: The quotation from the Lord Chancel - lor's reply to a proposed amendment of mine (Free speech, 20/27 December) ma) / have been intended to demonstrate his quaint erudition......
Gale's Dating
Sir: George Gale's suggestion ('Compute a date', 20/27 December) for simplifying our system of dating seems, to have confus0 him rather than to have had a beneficial effect upon......
Sir: I Am Sorry To Read In The Spectator That
my inability to speak German has upset mY old friend Alastair Forbes. But it levels things out. His inability to write readable English has upset me for 40 years. Lambton......
The Spectator
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