It is impossible at present to give the polls with
any degree of correct- ness, as there are in some cases three different statements of a poll and no official declaration : but we are preparing an account of all the polls, in which the official declarations will be given wherever obtainable. In the paper of last week there were several errors in the statements of the Metropolitan polls ; the following numbers are from the official de- clarationsâ LambethâHawes, 2,601; D'Eyncourt, 2,558; Baldwin, 1,999; Cabbell, 1,763.
MaryleboneâHall, 4,661; Napier, 4,587; Hamilton, 3,383; Cabbell, 3,410 ; Sankey, 61.
WestminsterâRous, 3,338; Leader, 3,281; Evans, 3,2.58.
GreenwidiâDundas, 1,747; Barnard, 1,592; Cockburn, 1,274.