Debrett's Peerage, 1 841.
THERE are various indications of the political feelings of a people besides elections; and if any doubt could exist as to the aristocratic tendency of the popular mind in this......
Commercial Gazette.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. J. and A. Homer, Cradley, Worcestershire, shoe.makers-Mountford and Cappur, Gloucester Street, surgeons-Bower and Sou. Liverpool. cottou brokers; as far......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 7th inst.. at Dudley House. the Marchioness of Aiseacoem. of a daughter. On the let inst., in Menlo° Square. Dublin, the Baroness Ds ROBECK, of a son. On the 26th......
Prices Current.
B R I T I 5 8 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 Per Cents. Reduced If per Cents. Reduced New 31 per Cents. Lung Annuities Bank Stock. 7 per cent. India Stock 101 Exchequer......