J. and A. Homer, Cradley, Worcestershire, shoe.makers-Mountford and Cappur, Gloucester Street, surgeons-Bower and Sou. Liverpool. cottou brokers; as far as regards H. Bower-Williams and Gabriel, Basiughall Street, Blackwell hall-lactois - Child and Co. distillers -Laforest and Sou, College Hill, wine-merchants-Smith and Bradford, Tottenham Court Road. tailors-Garnett and Co. merchants-Mellor and Dyson, Manchester, stock-mantifircturers-J. and W. Munday, Bow Lane, letter- press-primers-Walters and Co. Haverfordwest, bankers; as Mr as regards Voss- Lees
and Stansfleld, Rochdale,' carriers-Gray and Bathwick, common-brewers- Barnes and Johnson, Coveutry, riband manufacturers-Crisp and Son, Beceles, mer- chants-Smith and Gawthorp, Liverpool, printers-Richmond and Co. Ratcliff Cross, brewers; as far as regards J. A. Richmond-Conecher and M'Donald, Crawford Street, Marylebone. woollen-drapers--Cater and Wood, Finsbury Place. lineudrapers -Smith and Sons, Cotton's Wharf, Tooley Street, wharfingers - Richards and Strick, Enfield, auctioneers-Berry and Williams, Liverpool. liuendrapers ; as far as regards Williams-W. F. and M. H. Jolly, Bishop's Stortford, carriers-Wright and Smith, Northampton, shoe-manufacturers -Hyde and Co. Gosport. wine-merchants; as far as regards Hyde iunior-Aitcheson and Sou. Kelso, woollen-drapers -Jamieson and Co. Cape of Good Hope; as far as regards J. F. Wingate. IssoLyeer.-Ltramaear, HANS JONAS, Crescent, Minnries, ship broker, July 5. BANKRUPTCY ENLARGED. KmArros, Tames, Barwick.iii-Elmet, Yorkshire, innkeeper, to July 20.
BAGOOTT, JAMES, Worcester, victualler, to surrender July 13, Aug. 17: solicitor, Mr. Hall, New Rowell Court ; and Mr. Rea, Worcester. BALSA kW. CHARLES, Altriucham, Cheshire, bookseller, July 19. Aug. 17: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; and Messrs. Nicholls and Worthington, Altriocham. Bsres. JOHN, W, rship Street. coach-maker, July 19. Aug. 17 solicitor, Mr. Guren, South Molten Street; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basingliall Street. BOULT. EDWARD SWANS/ICH, and ADDISON. THOMAS. Liverpool, stockbrokers, July 17, Aug. 17: solicitor, Mr. Deane. Chancery Lane; and Forshaw and Blundell, Liverpool. CLARE, Witeow, Preston, watchmaker, July 27, Aug. 17: solicitors, Messrs. May hew and Co. Carey Street ; and Messrs. Illackhurst and Sun, Preston. CRANE. REBECCA. Harrow-on-the-Hill. draper. July 13, Aug.17 : solicitor, Mr. Hook, King's Arms Yard; olticial assignee. Mr. Gibson, Bashighall Street. Douoras. WILLIAM and JOHN Mons. Liverpool, merchants, July 17, Aug. 17: soli- -chars. Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row; and Cramp and Hassell, Liverpool. HILL. THOMAS, Taunton. draper. July 16. Aug. 17: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Medealf, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and 11Ir Hancock, Tauntou. LEWIS, Lewis ALPHA, Fleet Street, bookseller, July 17. Aug. 17: solicitor. Mr. Ni- cholson, Gray's Inn; official as-iguee. Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street buildings. MARTER. JOHN CHMLES, Drury Lane. linendraper. July 19, Aug. 17: solicitors, Keersey and Co. Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Cupthall Court. MILNE, JOHN. Crompton, Lancashire. dealer. July 19. Aug. 17: solicitors, Messrs. Minn] end Co. Temple; and Messrs. Whitehead and Co. Oldham. TAYLOR, James. Manchester, brushmaker. July 19. Aug. 17: solicitor, Mr. Nield, Walbrook ; and Messrs. Worthington and Hamilton. Manchester. THOMAS, James WILLIAMS. Mark Lane, cortemerchaut, July 13, Aug. 17: solicitors, Messrs. M•Leud and Stenning, Binder Street; official assignee, Mr. Green, Alder. manbury. DIVIDENDS. *JOY 29, Bradford. Long Acre, clusesemonger-July 27, Macpherson and Co. Albe- marle Street. milliners-July 27, Robins and Williams, London Wall. carriers-Aug. 5, Bishtou and Co. Wolverhampton, iron-masters-July 29. W. H. and J. T. Sigston, Leeds. druggists -July 27, Simpson, Sheffield. grocer-July 29. Bothamley, Sheffield, Plumber-July 26. Salter, Gloucester. builder - July 27, Hounslow, Birmiugham, baker-July 2S. Spencer, Clarehrough. Nottinghamshire, tanner-Aug. 10, Treeaskes, Bristol, victualler-July 28, Hawksworth. Sheffield, edge.tool-manufacturer-July 29, Spencer, Acaster Selby. Yorkshire, farmer-July 23, Ayre, Seaham Harbour, Durham, grocer-July 19, Worters, Mulford, Suffolk, maltster. Tuesday, July 6.
Tube 'Nutted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before July 27. Hannatord anti Prettejulm. Portsmouth. cattle-dealers-Pussell. Oxford. ironmonger -Wynde. Leominster. dealer-Slater, Watling Street, warehouseman-York, Duke Street, Westminster. ironfoituder -Bowles, Store Street, upholder-Webber and Bland, Bedford Row. attornies. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATiONIL KENNEDY, Rollear, Edinburgh, writer, July 12, Aug. 9. PHILIP. Joan, and Tecnesenc, WILLIAM. Dalkeith, wood-merchauts, July 9, 30. STURROCK, WILI AM, Rosemill, Dundee, bleacher, July 12, Aug. 2.
Torn,. James. Ayr, merchant, July 8, Aug. 3.
YOUNG, Waxiest, Liberten, farmer, July 10. 31.
Friday, July 9.
Walkington and Cowell. Leeds, woollen merchants-Bates and Wood, Leeds, cloth. merchants-Arens and Netherwimd. Leeds, cloth.dressers-Beaty and Co. Kemblee Wiltshire railway contractors-Todd and Hargreaves. Burnley. grocers-Metcalfe and CO. ad Fish Street Hill, druggists-Ponder and Barnes, Globe Court. Fish Street Hill, merehants-Boully and Richmond. Star Corner, Bermondsey, surgeons-Hurl- stou and Yeanriey, Chefteuham, hotel-keepers-Smith and Thorney. Nottingham, oil- cloth-manufacturers- Jackson and Bell. Birkenhead. cabinet-makers - Gucht and Davis, Liverpool, teilors-Combes and Hills. Lewisham, brewers-Owen and Hartley, Manchester, dyers-II. W. and T. Garton, Great Titchfleld Street, linendrapers- Ran. dell and Newth, Reading, carriers -Ward and Rogers, Beccles, wine-merchanta- Mortiock and Sturges. Oxford Street. chinamen-Cook and Ashton. Liverpool, rope. makers-Lees and Hibbert, Manchester. commission-agen's-Hebblewhite and Co. Kingston-upon.Thill, woollendrapers; as far as regards S. Hebblewhite-Owens and Morgan, Monmouth. grocers -Sharplin and Hubbard, Rotherhithe, hoot-builders- Stretch and Co. Liverpool, cabinet-makers-Waive and Co. Longton, Staffordshire, miners; as far as regards Ramshall-C. and C. Griffith, High Hatboro. whip-manu- facturers-Howard and Co. Burtrham, brewers-White and Batt, Old Broad Street, silkmen-Greatorex and Woolfryes. Lower Thames Street. shipping-ageuts-Gent and Co. Bread Street, warehousemeu-E. nud A. Stanfield. Accrington, Lancashire, com- mon-brewers-Dickson and Deakius, Brook Mews, Davies Street, veterinary-surgeons„
BALES, MICHAEL WILLIAM, Conduit Street. musicseller, to surrender July 16, Aug. 20: solicitors. Messsrs. Risley and Co. Quality Court, Chancery lane; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore. Basinghall Street.
131.Asruom, JOHN, Shrewsbury. mercer, July 23, Aug. 20: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Mcdcalf, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Coops. Shrewsbury.
BRIDE.SON. ARTHUR, Dublin, provision-merchant, July 19. Aug 20: solicitors. Messrs. Hill and Matthews. St. Mary Axe; official assignee. Mr. Graham, Basingliall Street. COGAN, THOMAS BOULT, Bristol, tanner, July 27, Aug. 20: solicitors, Mean,. Wansey and Tagart. Ely Place; and Mr. Hassell, Bristol. DAINTRY, JOHN SMITH, and ltyLE, JOHN, Manchester, bankers. Aug. 2, 3. 20: solici- tors. Messrs. Makiuson and Sanders, Temple; and Atkinson and Saunders. Manchester.
JACKSON. JOSEPH. Ronisey.extra-Southampton. slate-merchant, July 19. Aug. 20: solicitors, Messrs. Buckley and &redoes. Gray's Inn ; and Daman and Co. Romsey. JONES, JOHN, and BOON, JOHN, Burslem, iroumongers, July 28, Aug. 20: solicitors, Mr. Kiug Cante. Town ; and Mr. Cooper, Tuustall. KIRK, WILLIAM. Leiceater, builder, Aug. 3, 20: solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co. New Inn; and Mr. Gregory, Leicester. LANE, Jong NOXON, Birmingham. chemist, July 23, Aug. 20 : solicitors, Mr. White- lock, Aldermanbury ; and Mr. Beeson. Birmingham. Minns, GEORGE, Northamptonshire, plumber, July 19, Aug. 20: solicitor, Mr. Gresham. Castle Street, Helbern.
PETLEY, James, Tewkesbury, draper, July 19. Aug 20: solicitors, Messrs. Jenkins and Abbott. New Inn; and Mr. Sproule. Tewkesbury. KYLE, JOHN, Macclesfield, banker, Aug. 2, 20: solicitors, Messrs. Makiuson and Sanders, Temple ; and Messrs. Atkinson and Saunders. Manchester.
STALLERRASS, THOMAS, and MIDDLETON, HENRY. City Road. timber-merchants. July 16, Aug. 20: solicitors, Messrs. Gardom and Mettles, Threadueedle Street; official assignee, Mr. Peuuell, Basinghall Street.
TAYLOR. JAMES. Brighton. bookseller, July19, Aug. 20: solicitors, Messrs. Freeman and Co. Coleman Sue t.
WINDEATT. WILLIAM BROWNE. South Brent, Devonshire, corn-factor, July 22, Aug. 20: solicitors, Mr. Sure, Lombard Street ; and Lucky er and Bulteel, Plymouth.
July 30, Sizer, Worcester, lineudraper-July 30, B. and S. Vauderplank, Burlington Gardens, woollendrapers -July 31. J. and E. Cockerel'', Basinghall Street, wool-brokers -July 31. Pollen. Cow Lane, carpenter-ju1y31, Mason and Scott, Leeds. booksellers -Jul) 30. Pidgeon., laceman-July 31, Winterbottom, Heaton Norris, banker-Aug. 19. Traugmar. Brighton. tea-dealer-Aug. 2, Collett and Hales, Lieer- pool. butchers-Aug. 9. Tulk, Gateshead, soap-mauufacturer-Aug. 2. J. C. and C. Lockwood. Bradford, worsted.spinners-Aug. 2, Richards. Northamptou, pawnbroker -Aug. 9, Browne, Norwich. builder-Aug. 2. Alder, Brimpscombe, Gloucestershire, cloth lector-July 30, Sumner. Reading, builder-Aug. 3. Hayes, Manchester. upholder -Aug. 19, Marshall. Brighton, builder-July 31. Abercrombie, Liverpool, merchant- Aug. 2, Foxwell, Painswick, clothier-July 30, Taylor, Liverpool, banker.
To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or beke July 30. Barber, Walsall, banker-Iron. Blackfriars Road, chemist-Whittaker. Bury, Lan. cashire, brazier-Moss. Sheffield, chemist -Mey or. Northampton, inukeeper-Fair- cMugh, Liverpool, engineer. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
BLAceraw, Lam Drumcruil, Drumfriesshire, farmer, July 15, Aug. 9.
Demme, JAMES, Glasgow, merchant. July 16, Aug. 6.
EMMERS0v, JAMES. Giasgow, shawl-warehouseman, July 15. Aug. 5. GERRIE, WILLIAM, Piancy, Sutheriandshire, cable-dealer, July 15, Aug. 5. M'KENZIE, JAMES. Glasgow. druggist, July 15, Aug. 5.
PINKERTON, JAMES. Davecothall, Barrhead, spird-dealtr, July 19, Aug.4. Rem& Rosser, Glasgow, brassfounder, July 14, Aug. 4. Scorn. JOHN, Millhengli, Perthshire, farmer, July 14, Aug. 6. STALKER. JOHN, Glasgow, dyer, July 15, Aug. 5. WEIR, JOHN, Cummuck, ironmonger, July 14, Aug. 6.