Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th July 1840 and 1841, showing the Increase or Decrease thereof.
YEARS ENDED JULY 5th 1840. 1841. Increase. Decrease.
19.410.877 £
856,991 12.182.377 12,613,397 431,,020
6,674,624 6,706,288 31.664
3,772.848 4 372.319 649.471
978 000 433.000 ....
162.500 147,500
15,000 77,751 104,180
• • • • 44,065,968 93,787,561 1,139,584 1,416.991 413,211 345,681
67.530 717.686 538,983
178,703 45,196,865
1,138,584 1,663.224
1,138,584 524,640 QUARTERS ENDED JULY 5th 1890. 1841. Increase.
Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Post-office Crown Lauds Miscellaneous Total Ordinary Revenue.
Imprest and other Monies Repayments of Advances for Public Works 11,867,836 491,367 3,661 Income and Charge on the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 5th July 1840 and 1841.
ffl Qtrartamis ENDED 5th
Terminable Annuities Permanent Debt Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the Consolidated Fund 8,181,089 8,185,079 733,796 672,367 18,329 22,822
Sinking Fuud .9445 97,122
Civil List Other Charges on the Consolidated Fund 560,420 547,396 For Advances and to pay off Exchequer Bills issued for Advances 111,050 192,550 Total Charge 9.701,529 9,717,336 2,186,155 1.993,366 Surplus 11,887,784 11,710,702 Amount of Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the Consolidated Fund for the Quarter ended 5th April
1841, and paid off out of the growing Produce of that 4,917,733
Fund for the Quarter ended Amount issued in the Quarter ended 5th July 1841, in part of the Sums granted by Parliament out of the Con 5,754.152 solidated Fund, for Supply Services
The Surplus of the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 1,993,366 3,760,796
5th July 1841 The probable Amount of Exchequer Bills required to meet the Charge 8,679,519 on the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5th July 1841 Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Total Ordinary Revenue.
Imprest and other Monies Repayments of Advances for Public Works Total Income Deduct Increase Decrease on the Year Total Income Deduct Increase Decrease on the Quarter 11,373,961 297.880 195,995
£ 5,137.934 2,711,951 1,729,651 1,647.808
100.000 42,500 4,147 11,522.650 197,935 143,540 11 864,175
£ 9,848,586 2,795,312 1,680,821 2,030,696 119,000 30,000 18.235
499.367 499,367
£ 83.361
382,888 19,000
48,830 12,500
350,678 99,895 52,455 503,01 Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Imprest and other Moneys Repayment of Advances To Cash brought to this Account to be applied to pay o Deficiency Bills
1840. 1841.
£ £
6,137,934 4.676.712 2,731,899 2.813.713 1.729.651 1,680,821 1,647,808 2,0.0,696 100,000 119,000 92,500 30.000 4,117 18.235 297.880 197,985 195,995 143,540 11,887,784 11,710,702 11,887,784 11,710,702 1840. 1841.