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Tar news of the Queen of Hanover's death would have imparted a sombre aspect to the Court, had not the exchange of town for country superseded the greater restraints of life at the Palace.
The Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Queen of the Belgians and the Duke of Brabant, left Buckingham Palace at a few minutes past four on Monday, in an open carriage and four, escorted by a party of Hussars. The Princess Royal and the suite followed in three other carriages and four. The arrival of the Queen was announced by the hoisting of the Royal standard on the keep of Windsor Castle, at six o'clock; while the bells of St. George's Chapel and the parish-church were rung, and a royal salute was fired in the Acre.
On the same evening, Viscount Melbourne, Viscount Palmerston, and M. Van de Weyer, joined the Royal party—the only addition to the circle for the evening. Next day, the King of the Belgians arrived from Claremont, whither he had repaired from Buckingham Palace on Monday. Madame Van de Weyer and Viscountess *Palmerston were among the other visiters who arrived later in the week. Lord Pal- merston returned to town yesterday. The Queen immediately resumed her rides in a pony phaeton, ac- companied by the Queen of the Belgians ; and her Majesty and Prince Albert have walked in the Castle-grounds. None of the Royal party, however, took out-door exercise on Wednesday, the day appointed for the obsequies of the Queen of Hanover.
Sir James Clarke attended at the Castle on Wednesday. Before leaving town, the Queen went to the Italian Opera with Prince Albert and the King and Queen of the Belgians, on Saturday. The Queen gave audiences, on Saturday, to Viscount Melbourne ; on Tuesday, to the Earl of Ilchester, who resigned his gold stick as Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard—a post which was conferred upon the Earl of Surrey, v ho also had an audience for the purpose ; to Count Mandelsloh on the same day, and to Viscount Melbourne. The Court Circular records numerous interchanges of visits be- tween Royal personages.
Tuesday's Gazette contained an order from the Lord Chamberlain's office for a Court morning for the Queen of Hanover ; to begin on Thursday last, to change to half-mourning on Thursday the 22d, and to terminate on Thursday the 29th.