Mr. Forster carried his Irish Distress Relief Bill through Committee,
last Saturday, after a very exhausting sitting of more than twelve hours, in which be showed his usual tenacity and good-humour. He accepted an amendment of Mr. Parnell's, empowering the Irish Local Government Board to make grants in aid for outdoor relief from the Church Fund, not exceeding £200,000, and refused an amendment of Mr. Synan's to reduce the rate of interest paid by Boards of Guardians to one per cent, the amendment being negatived by 184 to 58.
The Fishery piers grants were fixed at £45,000. Soon after midnight on Saturday progress was reported, and the only stage of the Bill which has now to be passed, is the stage of report, with such changes as have been left to be inserted on the report. The day was a long and very fagging one, and left traces on Mr. Parnell's temper, which showed themselves iii the bitter attack which he made upon Mr. Forster on Thursday, by which, however, so far as we can see, no one profited so much as the object of that attack.