10 JULY 1880, page 3

Consols Were On Friday 981 To 94.


Mr. Mundella Has Done Good Service In Proposing The Ele-

mentary Education Bill which Lord Spencer introduced into the House of Lords on Monday. It is, indeed, not a little curious that it should fall to Mr. Mundella to remedy the de-......

The New French Ambassador, M. Challemel-lacour, Was...

Mansion House on Tuesday, when, in return- ing thanks for the toast of his health, he delivered a very neat, French speech, on some points of which we have commented elsewhere.......

The French Senate On Saturday Accepted The Amnesty Bill, But

added the important amendment proposed by M. Bozerian, that it should not extend to persons condemned for assassina- tion or incendiarism. This amendment was carried by 143 to......

A New Danger Has Made Itself Manifest In London. A

new gas-main, 3 ft. in diameter, has been laid down between Bailey Street, Tottenham Court Road, and Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, and the last work was, on Monday evening,......

A Bill Brought In By Mr. Collins For Creating A

Fishery Board for the encouragement of Irish Fisheries was on Wednesday de- feated on its second reading by 172 to 125, chiefly on the argu- ment of Mr. Courtney, who said the......

In The New York Herald, For June 14th, Is Contained

an in- teresting account of an interview with Sir Charles Govan Duffy at Paris, in which Sir Charles, who generally evades inter- viewers, talked freely on the subject of......

A Private Telegram, Dated Pekin, July 2nd, Has Been Received

in London, announcing that "Chung How," recently Chinese Ambassador in St. Petersburg, and sentenced to death for signing the Kuldja Treaty, "has been reprieved, in order to......