10 JULY 1880, Page 1


THE Press of the Continental capitals foresees war between Greece and Turkey, and arising from that, war among the European Powers. Turkey, they say. will not yield ; and if it does not yield, England and France will defend Greece, Russia will insist on the junction of the two Flulgarias, and Austria will seize Metrovitza. to protect its road to Salonica. All this is a little dreamy, and it must not be forgotten that the Jews, who are so influential in the Continental, and especially the Austrian Press, at heart sympathise with the Mussulmans against the Christians, from whom they have suffered so much. It is quite possible that if Turkey resists the mandate of Europe, the Bulgarians and Macedonians will rise, and the signal for the final struggle will be given ; but the Pashas must miaow that better than Europeans, and may avoid a resistance with such serious consequences. As yet, the accord of the Powers is unbroken, and the Porte is much more likely to appear to yield, and stimulate the Albanians to resist. That would localise the war, and if the Greeks can detach the Christian Albanians, or ...Nliridites, by acknowledging their

Doda," or Chief, as Prince of Albania, the war may be very brief. A magazine does not always explode.