A Sequel to Rich Men's Dwellings, and other Papers. By
Lady John Manners. (Blackwood and Sons.)—This volume contains a collection of papers which have been published at various times, some of them attracting considerable attention. The first exhibits in a forcible way, not the less forcible because no hard words are used, the growing luxury of the time, especially in the articles of food and drink. The catalogue of meals, big and little, in fashionable society is nothing less than appalling. "Letters from an Idle Woman's Post-bag" is an amusing sketch. "English Bondmen and Bond. women" is an earnest plea for shop-assistants, but the question is fall of difficulty ; the policy of the Factory Act seems now to be seriously questioned. The author's versatile fun then makes us acquainted with "Newmarket," with " Ahr-les-Bains," and with a variety of social matters, all treated in a kindly, pleasant, and sensible fashion.