MR. F. BARNARD'S DESIGNS.* THERE are some artists for whose non-success, or, at all events, for whose non-popularity, it is especially hard to account. For frequently it is......
IDYLLS OF THE ILIAD. —XII. AGAMEMNON. 4 ` FOR that the princes to the pride of place Chose me in Argos, and for love of fame, And honour of a brother, to this land Came I, the......
Roy&l Society Of Painters In Water-colours. I To The Editor
OF TEE " SPECTATOE."1 Sra,—Mr. Quilter will excuse me if I point out to him the fact that, in his criticism of June 12th, be did not speak of " the fact of the associates of the......
"pereant, Qui Ante Nos Nostra Dixerunt."
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR...] SIE, — In justice to the memory of a great writer, and in mercy to the reputation of two very young ones, permit me to call attention to a......