M. Lambert de Sainte Croix on Sunday made a speech
to the Royalist provincial Press of France, which may be accepted as an expanded manifesto of the party. He repudiated all ideas of violence, plots, or intrigues, and declared that the duty of Royalists, and especially of Royalist journals, was to denounce the corruptions of the Republic, to recall the great incidents of the Monarchy, and to agitate for a revision of the Constitution through the Assembly, which he spoke of as absolute, and un- fettered by any previous decision. The policy of the party is, in fact, to win if it can at the poll, and then induce the Royalist Assembly to re-establish the throne. The difficulty in the way of that programme, otherwise unimpeachable, is that Paris will not be converted, and unless held down by force, will not bear a restoration either of the Legitimist or of the Orleaniat Monarchy.