SIR,—I drew the attention of our Vicar to David Watt's
article on 'Holy Warfare.' He considered that the whole legislative exercise being undertaken by MPs, Lords and high Church leaders in both Houses was a waste of time. The results could have no practical bearing on the modern problems facing the Church. Rags and penury, or purple and pomp, are no barrier between truly religious persons and their particular God, not the colour of clothing the measure of a person's devotion,
Mr. Watt's statement that were the measure to become law, parish councils would, for the first time, 'be allowed to determine what vestments can be worn in in their own church' appears to be an error, and should refer to parochial church councils. It is not very likely that bodies such as parish councils, which often consist of unbaptised, agnostics, non-churchgoers, even atheists, would be allowed to determine the practices of the Church.