Please Keep Out Presumably The President Of The Library...
ciation knew what he was about in the strictures he passed this week on some younger librarians. For these specialists, he indicated, libraries existed as an end in themselves:......
Aviation & Confusion
Breaking the Talk Barrier By OLIVER STEWART N EW British aircraft are too often bedevilled by aviation's inalienable inability to talk straight. Its promises are not kept. Its......
The Two Cultures
It is a peculiarly humiliating thing to find oneself in ignorance of some subject which is so well known to the rest of the world that no one ever dreams of explaining it.......
Spectator's Notebook
IF a man made a habit of firing a blank pistol out- side your windows at un- predictable moments it would not be difficult to obtain legal powers to dis- suade him from his per-......
Scoop Topless Dresses, It Is Quite Clear, Are This Year's
Silly Season topic par excellence. It is not the sort of subject on which the Spectator would normally expect to be exceptionally well in- formed: but my colleague Roy Dewar......
Helping Hands Some Weeks Ago An Enterprising Young Man Named
Anthony Steen asked this journal for help. He had created, as he explained, an organisation of young people who regularly gave some of their spare time to befriending and......