II. The crowd? Far from it! (7) 12.. The only fislf (4)
13. A show of force (4)
lb. Dramatic sequence of events (6)
17. Kept until broken (7)
Su,:h a gay family! (7)
21. -The short and simple . . . of
the poor' (Gray) (6)
2:- An impossible sort of puTzle!
(10) The lake's the limit (4) Ilow cold the north is for the bird (7)
29. Resistance to heat, in. principle
(7) 15. 30. Like the view from the crow's - nest., perhaps (8)
31. Hero was at the altar, causing
much. ado (6) 19. DOWN One receiver of an epistle (8) Movements of ships (11) Kipling's collective title (4) In which a Mexican might s,..em to lose his head! (8) 'And as a bird each fond . . . tries
To tempt its new-fledged off- spring to the skies' (Goldsmith) (10)
The official government oracle,. in short? (1,1,1) Views of the range (6) A highlander appeaN in place near Windsor (5) You do something for nothing in this shoe (II) Friars who lent their name to revolution (10)
There's prolit in 6eing so awk- ward (8)
Royally agreed (8)
18. 22. The sound of a crowd begins at the egntre (6) 23. The bitterness of the trees (5) 26. Pike mistaken for a hat (4) 28. Rot 1:•,.) the hill (3) Solution next oeek
ignmall •
• •