10 JUNE 1837, Page 11



The gloomy anticipations to which the disasters of last week gave birth, have, happily, not been realized. The failures of the various commercial houses to which we then alluded, would, it was supposed, have caused a great shock in the large manufacturing districts ; but, with the exception of the establishments immediately connected with them, the stoppage of the London firms has not led to the insolvency of any of the large establishments at Liver- pool or Manchester. The commercial transactions of the week have been very limited ; and scarcely any business was done in the Foreign Exchange. On Tuesday, in consequence of the mistrust which existed, the alarm was con- siderably increased, by the arrival during 'Change hours of an express from Liverpool, which, although it actually brought very cheering intelligence, was believed to have been the bearer of a budget of ill tidings. To-day, however, confidence has been in a great degree restored; and as money is very plentiful, we have no doubt that business will soon resume its wonted activity. The Public Funds have experienced a considerable improvement; and Consols were at one period:4 per cent above the closing price of Saturday; but the alarm with respect to the King's health, which has existed during the last few days, has operated unfavourably upon the price, and the market has receded nearly

per cent. Exchequer Bills are nearly Os. higher. Some anxiety has been manifested by the holders of Bank Stock, to ascertain the probable amount to which the Bank may be affected by the recent disasters: a disposition to sell that description of secur:ty has been slightly apparent, but the price has not been lower than it was on Friday last, and the market has since shown signs of improvement. In the Foreign Market, the business has been on a very confined scale. A fall of per cent, in the price of Dutch Stock at Amsterdam, has caused a depression of those Securities here, though not to an equal degree.

The Spanish Active Stock has improved about I per Cent., in consequence of the more promising appearance of the Christino cause, and the rise which has taken place in these Securities in Paris.

Portuguese Stock this also improved, although we are without any late intel- ligence from Lisbon. The South American Stocks have recovered the sudden depression which the extensive sales of Saturday occasioned. The Railway Shares have risen considerably in price; the market having reacted immediately that it became apparent from the state of things in Lan- cashire that the holders of Shares there would not be compelled to sell.

A meeting of the proprietors of the Australasian Bank was held on Tuesday ; and a dividend for the half-year ending December last, of 4 per cent. was declared. The profits during the period were 14,0001. ; of which 8,0001. will be paid away in dividends, and 6,600/. reserved to form an accumulating gua-

rantee fund.

SATURDAY. Twittva o'ctoca.

We have had very little business here this morning. Consols for Account have been done at 91i, but are now 91h ; Exchequer Bills are 33 to 135 preen. In the Foreign Market, prices are generally the same as yesterday ; and the Railway Shares are also without material variation. London and Birmingham are 43 to 45 prem. ; Great Western 23 prem. ; Southampton 21 din. ; Green- wich 8 dis. The South American Stocks are steady ; Chilian 28 to 29; Co- lumbian 21i 22k; Peruvian 1f4 16h.

3 per Cent. Console, sellers shut Ditto for Account, bu,vers 911 3 per Cent. Reduced 89j 90 ?New 33 per Cent Arms ex.div shut Bank Stock -- India Stuck shut Excheipter Bills 33 5 pm Belgian 5 per Cents ex. (tic Mt Brazilian 5 per Cents 833 Danish 3 per Cents. 73 Dutch 23 per Cents 53 Mexican 6 per Cent 214 2 Portuguese Regency 5j,. Cts 433

Ditto 3 per Cent. 283 I

Ditto Spec Cents 1836 Scrip -- Prussian (18114) 5 per Cect -- Russian (189.2) 5 per Cent" 1081 Spanish (1833) Spec Cent 22) 1