A Passing Cloud.
SUPERFICIAL observers of current events have got the notion that there is some deep-rooted error in the political economy of the country. "We see," they say, "that the......
Lord Denman And The Iiouse Of Commons.
Loan DENMAN has been in everybody's :mouth this week. He has managed to find employment for both Houses of Parliament, and has supplied a topic of daily discussion for the......
Costly Elections Good For The Tories.
Air. Broadwood by this time must have had enough of Parliament, and will be loath again to tune his instrument to the airs of the Cal ion Club. Ilis bribed electors may defend......
Topics Of The Day.
THE STATE OF THE CROWN, AND LORD DURHAM'S RETURN. As drowning men catch at straws, so are there some Whigs who imagine that the precarious condition of the Court is favourable......
The Macaulay Code Of Laws For India.
MR. THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY has been three years in India and, besides a gratuitous passage and a handsome outfit, has already pocketed 30,000/. of the public money. If he......