10 JUNE 1837, Page 8

Cbt Cowart,.

In spite of the jibes and jests of our Tory contemporaries, the requi- sition to Mr. Elphiestone has been forwarded to London ; and at ter passing safely through the ordeal of the l'ximiination with which they threatened it, has beett accepted. Mr. Elphinstotie is nine fairly launched as the candidate for Liverpool.--Liverpod Chronicle, Mr. Towncley, influenced, we believe, by consideratione of a private nature, has, we regret to observe, withdrawn from the (widest for the representation of the North Division of 1)ur1111111. Mr. Liddell and his brother Tories are, in consequence, in a state of rapturous anticipa- tion.— Tyne Mercury.

Some excitement is created amongst the Tories in Newark, in con. sequence of the appearance of an address from Mr. Denison, (led:aims his intention again to become a candidate. The result can scarcely he doubted. Besides Mr. Denison, three Tories are to stand the contest. "When rogues full out, honest men come by their own."—Stanifi,rd .Mercury. [Honest men ?—whom does the Stamford journalist allude to? Politically speaking, Mr. Evelyn Denison can scarcely be called an honest man.] It is said that the Duke of Norfolk is about to dispose of Worksop Manor, with the fine mansion and park, and that the Duke of Port- land, whose estates adjoin, is to have the first offer of the purchase. — Derby Mercury.

Mr. Cordes, one of the Aldermen of the city of Worcester, has refused to pay the borough-rate made by the Council. One ground of his resistance is, that the Mayor and Council hnd, contrary to the act of Parliament, given away to the sick poor fifty dozens of the Corporation wine. The Mayor issued a warrant against the Alderman, who im. mediately gave securities to appeal to the Quarter.sessions against the rate.— Worcester Journal.

The Bishop of Chichester intends to enforce morning and evening service on Sundays in all the parishes of his diocese where the popula- tion amounts to 500, after the example of the Bishop of Bath and Wells. [Alas for the working clergy ! Dr. Otter, like a new broom, sweeps clean. He will be very unpopular in his diocese—among the parsons.] The Registrar-General has appointed J. Elms, Esq. of Devonport. an intelligent man and stanch Reformer, to the office of Stiperiiiten- dent Registrar for Stoke Damerel, in which parish Devonport is situate ; thus affording a satisfactory refutation of the charges insinu- ated against him in certain letters lately appearing in our columns under

the signature of " S. James, Lambeth."—Morning Cht.oniele. [The letters of " S. James, Lambeth," however, have nut, we dare believe, been without their use.]

The election of the Council of the new Birmingham Political Union took place on Wednesday night, at one of the largest meetings ever held in the Hall. Upwards of seven thousand members were present ; and there can be no doubt that, except there be some very considerable change soon, there will be more than ten thousand mem- bers. Thomas Attwood, Esq., M. P. was elected President; most of the members of the old Council were reelected; and the proceed.

ins went oft with .very great spirit and good order.—Birminghes, Phi/anthropist.