"If I should again be replaced in the situation which,
of all others, I have at all times deemed the most honourable, that of representing the independent and enlightened constituency of Westminster, 1 shall either labour with Me most unremitting assiduity to fulfil the important duties which will then devolve upon me, or should I find that my health will not permit the exertions which are so peculiarly iudispensable at this time, I shall t him deem it incumbent upon me to resign a situation the functions of which 1 find myself unequal adequately to perform."—Letter if Sir Francis Burdett to the Electors of Westminster, 4th .May 1837.
Well—where is Sir Francis? Labouring with " unremitting assi- duity?" Not be. Ilas he resigned his seat, the duties of which he does not perform at all ? Not he. The Times of Friday announced that- " Sir Francis Burdett is better since his arrival at Foremark, (in Derby- shire,) and has been able to—ride out."
IVestininster is us well represented as ever.