The Sutlej, Parish, from Calcutta to London, pot into Table Bay, 13th April, totally dismasted.
The Johanna, Falconer, and Martha Woolley, both bound for London, were wrecked at Algoa Bay on the 5th April; crews saved. • • Aaiun:is—At Gravesend, ad June, Lysander, Sangster, from Calcutta ; Dutoltsss of /Ablator, Renfree, from Ceylon ; and Louisa Munro, Harding; and Psyche, Irving, from MaUritins ; 4th, Aboukir, Scott ; and 3Ialabar. Pare, from Bombay ; 5th, Bin-
rook, from China ; Flora Kerr, 5PNiddy, from Singapore ; and Robert Hen- derson, Todhunter, from Bombay ; 6th, Queen, Nash, from Calcutta ; 7th, Isabella and Ann, Lumsden, from Mauritius; and 8th, Martin Luther, Hutton, from Madras. In the Downs, 7th, Sandfonl, Callan, from the Cape ; and Silt, Agincourt, Kisbett, from Calcutta. In the Clyde, 1st, William Gladstoue, Smith ; and Anne Mary, Hilton, from Mauritius. At Bombay, previous to the 1st of May, Charlotte, Drewry ; Lloyd's. Pearson ; and Tulloch Castle, Jamieson, from London ; Ursula, Rid- ley ; and Duke of Lancaster. Wakeman, front Liverpool ; and Eliza Stewart, Henderson; and Falcon, Poole, fern the Clyde. At Madras, 20th April, Columbus, Edle, from London. At Calcutta, previous to the 21st of April, Sir George Pollock, Thornhill; Arabia, Davis ; and Glenorchy, Crawford, front London ; and Mary Somer- ville, Johnson ; Patriot Queen, Roddock ; Beigralee, Colebank ; and Patriot King, Roddock, from Liverpool. SAILED—From Gravesend, 6th June, Isabella Blyth, Baylis, for Calcutta ; and 8th, ocean Queen, Sutherland, for Singapore.