What Irish Improvement Waits For.
IT is not for want of the will that nothing is done in Ireland "private enterprise" would soon be at the work of regeneration 2 if it had but the official fiat. The causes of......
The Copying Telegraph.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Electric Telegraph Office, L,othbury, 7th June 1848. SIR—I am informed that during my recent absence in America an article ap- peared in the......
Funds For Emigration.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Tottenham, 7th June 1848. SIR—As the distress among the labouring population arises almost always from the want of employment, which at this time......
The Trade Of The British West Indies.
[FROM A CORRESPONDENT.] 1.T the present time, when the attention of the public is being justly and wisely directed towards the interests and claims of our Colonial brethren, it......