The only bargsi f importance during the week was a sale of 100,0001. yester- day afternoon. Tl.s price of Consols, which had been as high as 841. was con- sequently depressed to 841. The settlement of the Consol Account took place to- day; and, as upon every recent occasion, Stock was scarce. The "continuation" premium for carryiug over Stock to the July Account had been * per cent, but in the course of the settlement vanished entirely, and there were borrowers of Stock from Account to Account; in other words, Consols could have been pur- chased as cheaply for the 14th July as for immediate delivery. The closing price of Consols this afternoon is 84h i—exactly the same as last week. The premium of Exchequer Bills has advanced to 40s. The rate of interest of loans upon the security of Consols varies from 11 to 2 per cent; that of commercial discount, from 21 to 3 per cent; and as the Bank make advances upon Stock and Exche- quer Bills at 3 per cent, there is no immediate prospect of any advance on these rates.
The following are the days fixed for shutting and reopening the books of the Stocks upon which the dividends become due in July.
India Stock Tuesday 6th June Thursday 13th July.
Three per cent Cooscss Annuities, Jan. 1860 Ditto, Ditto, 1880 South Sea Stock New Annuities Three per Cents, 1751....
New Five per Cents 1
Three per Cents, 1726 Friday 16th June In the Foreign Market, the business has been quite trifling. The tendency of all but the Dutch and Russian Bonds of which the prices have been well sup- ported, is downwards. The Peninsular Securities are also rather lower. Peru- vian Bonds continue depressed, because of the non-arrival of the expected agent for the conversion of the Bonds by the last West Indian packet: the quotation, which had reached 39, has been today as low as 311. There is no improvement in Grenada Bonds; neither did the last packet bring any remittance on account of the now over-due dividends.
The Railway Shares are nearly as last week. Some of the principal ones de- clined from 11. to Si. a day or two ago; but the tone of the market has been rather better both today and yesterday. The transactions have been very limited. The discussions in the French National Assembly upon the assumption or non-assumption of the Railway Shares have almost entirely extinguished the little business that has recently been doing in this market.
The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending the 3r1 Jane, exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following resultri---
BANKINa DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.
£6,821 52,807 5,944 218,867 36,130 149,000 32,950 Last treaE.
Although not generally believed, the reported disaster at Lahore has tended to increase the downward tendency of the English Stock Market; the current quo- tations being 1 per cent lower than yesterday. Consols for Money are 834 84, and for Account (July) there are buyers at 84. The Foreign Funds are gene- rally rather heavier, with but little doing. No material change has occurred in Railway Shares, unless it be that in this particular department business has been more extensive this morning than for some time; the following are the principal bargains occurring: Eastern Counties, 144; East Lancashire, New, 91; Great Northern, 54 i; Great North of England, 401. Shares, 53; Great Western, Fifths, 201; Lancashire and Yorkshire, Quarter-shares, 10*; Brighton, Consolidated Eighths, 20; Ditto, Preference 1852,46; North-western, 1231 4; Midland, Con- solidated Bristol and Gloucester, 1181; Boulogne and Amiens, 6.
Spec Cent Console Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 834 4 84 4
924 1
Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents — 424 34 634 44 34 per Cents
9-3I i MeXlean 5 per Cents 1846... 15441
Long Annuities 84 New Granada
114 124
Bank Stock 191 3 Portuguese N.4 perCents 1842 16 17 Exchequer Bills 37 40 prem. Portuguese Old 1824 66 9 India Stock
Russian 5 per Cents 86 9 Brazilian 5 per Cents 679. Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 114 12 Belgian 44 per Cents 58 62 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842
Buenos Ayres 20 3 Venezuela
16 19
Chiller; 6 per Cents 78 89
Tuesday 13th June Friday 14th July.
Rest Public Deposits £351,438 Other Deposits Seven-day and other Bills Goverrunent Securities, including Dead-weight Other Securities Notes unissued Actual Circulation
Notes issued 116,450 Bullion 82,467 Vats week.
Total Bullion in both Departments 13,597,206 Actual Circulation