Though all Germany is unsettled, it is Austria that is
just now the very focus of anarchy. The Tyrol, conscious of a present Emperor, is loyal. Vienna is under a revolutionary Govern- ment; the existing Ministers 'having accepted the terms dictated at the barricades. While the Austrians sustain a defeat in Italy 'which sends their hold of that country as de facto rulers, Bohe- mia pronounces for independence of German Austria, and a Ma- yon:tie congress assembles at Prague to organize a state or confe- deration, to comprise the Bohemians, the Poles, the Magyars of Hungary, and the Sc]avonic population in the Christian provinces of Turkey. This looks so formidable that the Imperial family seems already disposed to abandon its German and Italian claims, and to accept the newly-forming Sclavonian empire. Archduke John of Austria has formally said, "I am a Bohemian Prince," and the Emperor promises a long visit" to Prague.