10 JUNE 1854, Page 14


_Barnes, 7th June 1854. Sin—After all that has been stated against "the stocks," it is but fair to give them such credit as they deserve. I was a Lieutenant in the Twenty-ninth Regiment when they landed at Helder on the 27th of August 1799; and, after being seven hours in action, I was struck in the chin by a ball, which passed into my stiff stock a quarter of an inch, and must have gone through my windpipe but for my "stock," and I should not have been here to tell the story. The mark of the wound is still to be seen ; and I should like to have such another wound, if I could get another year's pay for it. This will not take much room in your excellent paper, and may amuse some of the enemies of "the stock."

I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, AN OLD HAND.