Madame Viardot, After An Absence Of Three Years, Has...
at the Royal Italian Opera, in the character of Fides, of which she was the original representative. There was an extremely crowded house on Thursday evening, and her......
F Grittrro Nuh 311n5ir.
Partly by accident, perhaps, the theatrically-forgotten festival of Whit- suntide has been celebrated this year with unusual solemnity. Thus, on Monday, the Lyceum was reopened,......
Parisian Thratricai/3.
Crispin—Geronte--Lisette—these names take us back to the Parisian stage of a hundred years ago. Indeed, on the present occasion they be.. long to a new comedy written carefully......
The Sydenham Crystal Palace.
As these lines fall under the eyes of our earliest readers, the new Crystal Palace will be opening or opened. The Queen may be delivering the words whereby the fact is to be......
French Comic Operas Have Been Set On Foot At The
St. James's Theatre, seemingly by the directors of the Paris Theatre Lyrique, who announce the arrival in London of their entire company. We cannot say that they have made a......
The Concert Of The Musical Union, On Tuesday, Was...
in the first place, from the unusual circumstance of two violinists of the highest ales, Ernst and Molique, playing together, taking alternately the first and second, in which......
The Two Philharmonic Societies Have Had Concerts This...
Old Society, departing from their usual course and yielding seemingly to the "pressure from without," produced a bulky novelty in the shape of a symphony by Schumann,—a German......