10 JUNE 1854, Page 19


M. Claudet's reception-room in the Quadrant, designed by Messrs. Banks and Barry, has been appropriately decorated with paintings by M. Hervieu,—an artist known by etchings and other productions. Four- teen medallion-portraits of those who discovered photography and ste- reoscopy, those who have brought the process to its present stage of excellence, and the earlier pioneers whose discoveries promoted the dis- covery, adorn the walls, accompanied by allegorical and other illustrative subjects. Nothing could be better found than the motto from Virgil on the West wall, "Solera quis dioere falsum audeat ?" After looking at the memorial designs, the visitor may inspect examples of the arts which they commemorate ; admire and be interested in the photographic por- traits, many of them taken from distinguished persons ; and woader at the illusion of the stereoscope.